ADHD or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in children can be a very serious problem. Children with ADHD find it difficult to concentrate and focus on any particular thing. Such children also find it difficult in remembering things too.
How to Identify ADHD Kids
Identifying a child with ADHD condition is crucial and very often, parents do not realize their child has ADHD. There are some things that you need to look out for while categorizing children under this condition.
The first sign of a child suffering from this condition is short span of attention. They tend to make careless mistakes and may have difficulty in following instructions, listening to people or completing tasks that are assigned to them. They may come across as forgetful, careless, disorganized and distracted.
Besides this a child with ADHD condition may be hyperactive and impulsive with his or her actions. They may be unable to sit still, may keep interrupting others and may be constantly restless. An ADHD Diet for Children is vital in the treatment of this condition.
ADHD Diet for Children
ADHD and diet have been shown to be linked, with many kids suffering from food allergies and the lack of proper nutrition.
A little tweak in your child?s diet can help you control the situation to a large extent. A diet for ADHD kids need to be carefully monitored, and there are several things that need to be blacklisted from an ADHD Diet for Children diet, and ADHD supplements may need to be given. These are some of the points that you should consider when making an ADHD Diet for Children
Opt for soy products or almond products like soy milk, almond milk and so on. Make sure kids drink a lot of water and do not substitute water with juices
Keep your child away from junk food
Fruit juices are okay as long as the sugar content is minimal. Too much sugar can add to the problems
Not more than one piece of chocolate is permissible in a week
Avoid giving them processed meats
Refrain from giving fried food to your child
Try to avoid colored foods as much as possible
Include lot of fresh vegetables and fruits to your child?s diet
Omega 3, found in fish, helps in altering the brain function. Include lot of Omega 3 rich food in your child?s diet
Avoid giving sugary food when your child?s stomach is empty
Include a lot of protein in your child?s diet. This can come from sources like eggs, beans, whole grain bread fortified cereals and so on.
Besides altering the diet for ADHD kids, the apt treatment for adhd by a professional is also essential to tackle this condition.
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