Saturday, March 31, 2012

You Still Don't Understand: The Rise and Fall of Fatherhood

Fathers Day is Sunday, 17 June. ?You are more than welcome to post links to the material or to reprint it, but please do not do so until Saturday, June 16, so publication will coincide with Fathers Day.



30 Mar 2012

The Rise and Fall of Fatherhood

drD (Richard Driscoll)

"A man in the home is worth two in the street."

? Mae West

A half century ago, we might have been excused for believing that human families were meant to include not just mothers and children but fathers as well.? Many of us believed that fatherhood had been, was, and always would be a cornerstone of the human family.? In the 1960's only 5% of American children were born to single moms, reflecting a norm that went back as far as anyone could remember.? Twenty years before that, in the 1940's, about 3% were born to single moms.?

????? Now, in the 2010's, some 40% of children in America are born to single women.[1]? Almost half of these moms are in living-together arrangements, which are fragile at best.[2]? Of? first marriages, about 40% will end in divorce, and the mothers are the primary residential custodians in most of them.? Of children with custodial mothers, only one-third see their fathers as often as once a week,[3] and contact tapers off over the years. Ten years after a separation, two-thirds of children have virtually no contact with the men who were once their fathers.[4]? So somewhere over half of American children born today will be raised in matriarchal arrangements with no father or only a sometime father.?

????? Fathers are fast losing ground amid the escalating barrage of complaints about men in general and fathers in particular.? Motherhood is a biological necessity, at the heart of the family, and women seldom abandon their children when they have a choice.? Fatherhood, on the other hand, relies on a combination of personal preferences, social pressures, and a host of unknowns.? So when the two parent family unravels, it is men who vanish, and families revert to the more primal mother?plus?children arrangement.?

????? ?As a tribute on Fathers Day, we look here at the meaning and importance of fatherhood through the ages, among our own and among other species as well.? We look for some sense of why fatherhood is unraveling and why so quickly. ?

The benefits of cooperation

????????? Raising children is always a challenge, and two parents should have about twice the resources for the job as one parent alone. Two heads, two hearts, two sets of hands, and the possibility of two pocketbooks provide a real benefit over just one of each. By almost any measure, children with fathers tend to do better, emotionally, socially, and intellectually, and children without fathers do worse.?

????? Most birds bond together in mating pairs, but only a few species of mammals so.? Pair bonding among birds provides a tremendous survival advantage.?

????? The Snowy owl mom who sits the eggs has a full-time job due to the frigid temperatures. She must rely on her mate to hunt lemmings and bring them back to the nest for her.? Snowy dad hunts as mom sits the eggs, and during their first weeks after the owlets hatch, after which? the mom will join in the hunt. Snowy owls are wonderful parents. They swallow their own hunger and allow their body weights to drop by as much as a third as they provide food for their ravenous youngsters.?

The Evolution of Fatherhood

????? In contrast to birds, pair bonding is relatively uncommon among mammals.? While an egg must be incubated, a mama mammal carries her unborn youngsters inside her belly, remains mobile during gestation, and has an onboard supply of nutritious milk to feed her young after birth.? So while the mating birds who fail to bond would have few or no surviving offspring, most bachelor mammals pass along their genes just fine.??

????? Including? humans, about six percent of primate species form bonded pairs.?

Survival advantages

Relatively lasting pair bonds became commonplace among our early hominid ancestors about 1.7 million years ago, plus or minus a few seasons, and have remained a standard and typical arrangement since then. So in spite of multiple relationships, adultery, briefer life spans, separations, remarriages, and extra mating opportunities for the top bananas, most of our ancestors who passed along their genes to use were what we today term "married."?

????? Out on the Savanna some four or five million years ago, our hominid ancestors were up walking on two feet with their hands free to carry the camping gear and the groceries. A million or so years after that, hominid brains beganbegan to increase in size, from the one pound mini-calculator similar to that of a chimpanzee to the sophisticated three pound wonder brain that is standard equipment in the modern human head. The larger brain takes longer to mature, so human infants became increasingly helpless at birth and took considerably longer to become even modestly self-sufficient. Most primate infants can cling to their moms at birth or soon after, making them easy to carry. They can also scamper on their own, but not human infants.? So travel among our early ancestors came to require two functional individuals working together, one to carry the infant and one to carry the gear. Who better to provide the assistance than a committed mate?? It was about this time that human groups organized into families headed by bonded parents.

????? A larger brain is a high-energy luxury. The 3 pound human brain accounts for about 2% of our normal body weight but consumes fully 20% of our metabolic energy. So a larger-brained ancestor must find ways to acquire the additional nutrition or starve. The introduction of fathers supporting mothers and offspring surely provided a share of the additional resources necessary for higher intelligence.?

????? While a father and mother working together should provide about twice the resources as a mother going it alone, the cumulative results ?were more than that. If a mother could subsist on her own, the extra resources a second parent provides are available for comfort, security, and most importantly, for innovation.?

????? Bonding also provides the basis for extended family relationships.? Siblings from bonded parents are full brothers and sisters, and a father can brings with him paternal grandparents, aunts and uncles, nephews and nieces, cousins, and so on.? It is natural to favor your own kin over unrelated individuals, and kin members ally together for their mutual benefits.???

????? We are now the dominant species on the earth, which we can attribute to an upright gait which leaves our hands free; the use of tools; higher intelligence; language; and to our complex social arrangements.? Pair bonding, of course, has been a principal aspect of our social arrangements


Bonded to a family,? the males of the species became progressively more involved in supporting the females and in raising the youngsters. Bonding with a female provided a continuing sexual relationship for a man, and protected the children against outsider males who would lust after the female but consider her children unwelcome nuisances. Those bonded males who supported the mother and her children be?came our first fathers, providing more for the youngsters and also gaining the additional respect from the mothers, which would surely translate into additional romantic invitations and thus additional progeny. ?By choosing contributors over slackers, our mothers themselves selected personal traits which helped cultivate fatherhood.? ?Relatives also supported contributors over slackers and stood adamantly against men whom they considered ?users.??


? ??? Parenthood itself tends to make men more productive. Men ordinarily work more hours and earn more after they become fathers, while new mothers tend to work fewer hours outside the home and earn less.[5]? Fathers with young children are four times more likely to work at least fifty hours a week outside the home than are working mothers with young children.[6]?? Married men ordinarily bring their earnings home, and marriage usually affords mothers the choice to spend more time with their families. ????? Married men attain faster wage growth in their first ten to twenty years of marriage, compared to men who are not married.? Being married increases by almost 50% the chances that a recently hired man will attain a high performance rating.? One research team concludes that "marriage per se makes [male] workers more productive."[7] Men who become widowed, separated or divorced lose their productivity bonus, suggesting that pair bonding was indeed an important factor in male productivity.

????? Men who can be expected to be good providers are considerably more marriageable.? By one survey, the men who get married over the course of any given year earn about 50% more than the men who do not marry.


Men who have made the transition to fatherhood tend to be highly protective of their families. While we often think of domestic violence beingviolence within a marriage, the reality is quite the opposite. The combination of marriage and fatherhood offers the strongest protection against violence toward women and children.

????? Over the twenty years up to 1992, the rate of violent crimes against women was 43-45 per thousand for unmarried, divorced and separated women, but only 11 per thousand for married women.[8]? Married women benefited from a fourfold reduction in violence compared to their un?married counterparts.[9]


????? The human species has ridden a long way on the traditional family, where the? added resources? lifted mothers, their children and whole societies from meager subsistence toward innovation and abundance. So why is Western society sliding away from fatherhood?

????? The Industrial Revolution introduced the machines that do the heavy lifting, so brain now replaces brawn in productive importance.? Birth control can limit the size of families, so women tend to have fewer children and are freer to work outside the home.? Mothers of young children can usually rely on various forms of government assistance, so a man is no longer so vital and many women find it easier to do without one.?

? ??? While rare among mammals, fatherhood is typical in the Canidae animal family, which? includes wolves, coyotes, foxes, jackals, and African wild dogs.? Among coyotes the male hunts and brings home warm meals for his missus and their pups.. Some of these social animals have evolved not just fatherhood but also extended family arrangements. Among wolf packs, the alpha male and female are the only breeding pair, but a second pair may fill in as babysitters.???

????? Our most beloved of the canids is none other than the family dog, which was domesticated possibly fifteen thousand years ago from an offshoot of the gray wolf.? While the dog comes from a family of highly honorable paternal ancestors, the domesticated dog shows no interest at all in any paternal responsibilities.

????? So, what happened? Over the generations of domestication, our benevolent human ancestors would feed a hungry mom, replacing fatherhood among dogs by making it unnecessary. This allowed the male dogs more time to chase the stray females who wandered by with the "come hither" perfume.? The welfare benefits provided by humans were sufficient for mom and pups, and the fathering tendency fell out of the doggie communities.?

????? Given that it happened among dogs on welfare, could we not expect it among humans as well??? Government support means that a father is no longer a financial requirement, and the social expectations change according.?

Imbalanced arguments

????? Traditionally, men have been considered the heads of households, in what might today? be considered a sexist arrangement. But step behind the appearances and consider the power differences.? In arguments, when interests conflict, researchers such as John Gottman at the University of Washington observe that women usually dominate while men concede, placate, or withdraw.

????? Traditionally, the man was expected to commit himself to the support of his wife and children. In return, so far as he upheld his responsibilities, he was honored as the head of the family. See the trade-off? In exchange for supporting his wife, doing what she and the children require of him, deferring to her when she is upset with him, and usually losing when he tries to argue against her, he was honored as the head of the family.?

????? Such arrangements have something for each. He gets the honor and she benefits from his support. So the superficially patriarchal arrangement benefits women as much as men.

????? In marriages in which the woman openly heads the family, where is the trade-off?? She is officially in charge and she wields much of the covert emotional power as well, leaving him with little respect and little voice. What is in it for him?? Or for her, since she has no reason to respect him?? .

????? The traditional Christian support for men as heads of house?holds has surely helped to rebalance marriages, upholding men who stay and contribute and asking women to appreciate more and criticize less. It makes you wonder if the early Christians were wiser in these matters than our secular skepticism today would have us believe.?

????? Patriarchy is itself a convenient fiction in which the actors stay in character and the audience agrees to accept the production as just what it pretends to be. See patriarchy as an artfully crafted but fragile arrangement, honoring men who stay and support their families in order to encourage them to do so.

????? Today even that courteous pretense is quickly vanishing as patriarchy now refers more to a form of oppression than to a viable trade-off between men and women. So far as patriarchy implies oppression, then it is good riddance to bad rubbish. So far as patriarchy is merely honor bestowed upon men who marry women and support families, we are losing yet another dimension that holds the two-parent family together.? Females prevail in arguments and males withdraw, creating an imbalance that neither one finds satisfying.

????? As women seek more rights, more security, more safety, and more control of their lives, the importance of fathers gets lost in the mix.? Perhaps we can scrape by without so many fathers, for awhile.? But do we really want to chance it???

Fashioning fathers

A father is ordinarily the biological inseminator, which is our principal standard, although fatherhood is considerably more than mere insemination. [10]

(1) The genetic contribution is vital, in that we are naturally more inclined to love and care for those we believe to be our genetically related family members. Moms and dads tend to sacrifice tend a great deal more for their own biological children than for unrelated youngsters.

????? We want to see the inseminator as the father, and traditionally we required a man who inseminates a woman to marry her and to take on the responsibilities of fatherhood. In the absence of a relationship with the mother or her child, we refer to a sperm provider as the "biological father," meaning that he has contributed a set of genes and little else.? ?We might just as well call the sperm contributor a sire or mate, which are the preferred terms for fatherless species.??

(2) A father has an alliance with the mother in which he marries her or becomes common-law married. Indeed, a man's initial connection to an unborn child is often through his love for the mother. Men who maintain a committed relationship with the mother are the mainstay of fatherhood and contribute willingly, while men who do not bond with the mother or who separate and divorce are often inconsistent or absentee fathers, meaning hardly fathers at all.

(3) A father ?resides with his children and is an integral member of the family.? Living with children means participating in their lives. Unfortunately, men who have only infrequent contact fail to bond properly with the children, and men who bond but are separated from their children often lose the bond.??

????? A continuing partnership with the mother in an intact family vastly increases the chances a sperm contributor will mature into a real father and remain a real father. Unfortunately, the converse is also true. Men who provide sperm but do not partner with women and do not reside with the children seldom become participating fathers in the usual social relationship sense. We want them to be fathers and expect them to be fathers, hardly considering that they do not ex?perience the con?ditions that ordinarily transform men into fathers.

????? Uncommitted men are broadly condemned for their irresponsibility and referred to now as "deadbeat dads," although many were only casual sperm contributors to begin with and never dads at all.? Sperm contributors are still called "fathers," as a way to hold them responsible, but are no longer integrated into the family and remain very much outsiders. The government can force these men to pay for the insemination, but it has no means to turn casual inseminators into authentic fathers.

Only a century ago, the extended family was the norm. And in our earlier years, children were often raised com?munally, with assorted grand?parents, uncles and aunts, and older siblings all involved, and the rest of the community stepping in when necessary. Today, with so many children raised by television and the shopping mall, the fatherless family is hardly a step forward.? And while it is easy enough to condemn men, this Father's Day we take a chance and suggest that our culture would do better to find ways to support men and uphold fatherhood,? to bring out the best in ?men.

????? So long as we appreciate men and uphold men in families, we can hope for an improving quality of life for ourselves and the same to our youngsters.

Happy Fathers Day!

Adapted from? You Still Don't Understand? by DrD and Dr. Nancy Ann Davis.?

[1]???? The 40% for 2007 is from National Center for Health Statistics, March 18, 2009, Contact: CDC National Center for Health Statistics, Office of Communication, (301) 458-4800;? See also Mike Stobbe, 37% of U.S. Births Out of Wedlock, AP, Nov 21, 2007, for 2005 statistics. ? [2]??????? Sharon Jayson, "Births to unmarried women hit record." USA Today, Oct. 28, 2005. [3]???? F. Furstenberg, C. Nord, J. Peterson, & N. Zill. "The life course of children of divorce: Marital disruption and parental contact." American Sociological Review, 48, 5, (Oct. 1983), 661. [4]???? ??????? Furstenberg & A. Cherlin, Divided Families: What Happens to Children when Parents Part (Cambridge, Mass: Harvard University Press, 1991), 35-36. [5] ???? .???????? Furstenberg, Jr. "Good Dads?Bad Dads: Two Faces of Fatherhood," in A. Cherlin (Ed.), The Changing American Family and Public Policy (D.C.: Urban Institute Press, 1998), 195. As cited in Maggie Gallagher, The Abolition of Marriage, 178-179. [6] ???? .???????? Anna Quindlen, "Public and Private Men at Work." New York Times, 18 Feb. 1990, 19. [7] ???? ?.??????? Sanders Korenman and David Neumark, Does Marriage Really Make Men More Productive? Finance and Economics Discussion Series #29 (Washington DC, Division of Research and Statistics, Federal Reserve Board, May, 1988). As cited in Gallagher, 1996. [8] ???? .???????? U.S. Bureau of Justice Statistics, Highlights from 20 Years of Surveying Crime Victims: The National Crime Victimization Survey, 1973-92 (Washington, DC: US Department of Justice, 1993), 18. Statistics includes females 12 and older. See also D. Blakenhorn, Fatherless America, 32-42.? [9] ???? . ???????????? See: David Crary, "Cohabitation called dangerous to children." AP, Nov. 18, 2007. [10] ? .???????? Blankenhorn also sees an alliance with the mother and physical presence in the family as the two essential conditions for an inseminator to be a good enough father. See Fatherless America.

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Simple Projects You Can Do To Change The Look And Appearance ...

Home improvement means either fixing things that are broken or changing the structure or look of one or several rooms. It is really not difficult or expensive to do many common repairs and upgrades. Read these tips to get started and get some ideas. You?ll be feeling like a home improvement pro in no time.

Take all things into consideration before installing an alarm system into a home that you have placed on the market. If you do not live in the home and the neighborhood is dangerous, you may want to have an alarm.

Make sure you have the rewiring and plumbing handled in a home improvement venture before moving onto anything else. Since most of these repairs need to be done by going into your walls, you should take care of them first. It?s also easier on you to do this if you?re already renovating your walls and have them taken apart already.

On big home improvement projects, homeowners must take information from contractors wisely. It is not uncommon for unscrupulous contractors to mislead homeowners who are not involved in the process or are easily intimidated. Before additional costs and labor are agreed upon, the homeowner should carefully review the contractor?s proposal.

A single essential redecorating idea is to ensure that drinking water operates far from your home in the event it storms. You can for example changing the slope of the garden for any much better evacuation or setting up additional gutters.

Constructed-in niches, bookshelves, or alcoves can be created to be noticeable by piece of art the backs using a contrasting shade. Wallpaper could also be used as opposed to color. If you?re only piece of art a tiny location, take into account acquiring test measurements of color as opposed to a total gallon.

When you are making home improvements, spend some time on your porch. This is the first things seen by visitors and it?s your home?s first impression. Clean up clutter and add nice enhancements such as flowers and flower pots, patio furniture, wood varnish, and light fixtures. Having a nice porch will improve your home?s value.

Re-caulking windows is a project that can prevent you from having high utility bills and damage costs. Doing so prevents moisture and leaks which avoids any kind of mold growth. When you see old, cracked caulking, it is time to bust out a chisel to replace it.

While remodeling your kitchen or bathroom, consider replacing common wall board with the water-resistant type. Water-resistant wall board is commonly referred to as ?green board.? Most green boards are treated to resist water retention, and the mold that typically grows in moist environments.

Only think about companies for your house enhancement jobs which have appropriate licensing from the condition of home. This could be discovered by examining together with your condition federal government, possibly by telephone or their site. Be suspicious of unlicensed companies. Whilst most of them might be truthful and qualified, some might have dropped their permit for bad workmanship, fraudulent techniques, malfunction to finish work or any other unlawful or deceitful measures. Additionally, you will find individuals that never ever enjoyed a permit to start with as they are simply fraud musicians posing as companies.

Ideally, you will now have a whole new perspective of how to reach your goals for improving your living space. With a little time, patience and the right equipment, you can remake your personal space into the home you have always dreamed of. Make home improvement a hobby and save your money while having fun.

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Hospital offers program for seniors on foot problems | Health and ...

James Robinson

James Robinson

MOORESVILLE -Lake Norman Regional Medical Center will offer a free Senior Extra talk for seniors on ?My Aching Feet? by Dr. James Robinson with Foot and Ankle Associates on Wednesday, April 4.

Dr. Robinson will talk about common foot conditions.
The meeting is 3 p.m. at Lake Norman Regional Medical Center?s community rooms A and B. Senior Extra meetings are the first Wednesday of each month. The hospital is off I-77 Exit 33 in Mooresville.

To learn more about Senior Extra, to become a member, or to register for meetings, visit the website,, or contact Mitzie McCurdy, the hospital?s Director of Community Outreach and Senior Extra, at 704-660-4859, or

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Tourism Guide to Mahon- Menorca (Spain) - Travel - EzineMark

Mahon is located at the top of a cliff in the Catalan region of Spain and is the capital of Menorca. Because of its strategic location, this city has been occupied by number of armies in the previous centuries and this is the reason behind the various historical monuments in Mohan. During the start of the 18th century, Mohan was occupied by the British armies and you will find a great influence of British rule in the city.

Sightseeing in Mohan is the best and interesting activity for the visitors. Placa de s Esplanada is a landmark in Mohan belonging to the British rule as this place was used as a parade ground by the British army during the 18th century and you will find many old barracks along the side of the square inside the palace. This palace has become a good entertainment place for the visitors as it has number of cafes, fountains and playing area for the kids.

This palace is also known for managing a small market of clothes each Tuesday and Sunday and some concerts at different occasions.

Old Town of Mohan is located near the Placa de s Esplanada and is a perfect place for evening stroll. There are many zigzag roads in the old quarter and a small plaza along with Santa Maria Church. This church was built here in the start of the 18th century and known for its classical and beautiful fa?ade and the interior of the church is also worth watching. The Town Hall building is also located near the church and it is also an 18th century building and contains some great historical portraits for public display.

Museum of Menorca is another landmark of Mohan and located near the Sant Francesc church. This museum is famous for its great collection of unique and historical relics which are related to the historical background of Mohan.

You will find many old paintings, old coins, maps and local pottery inside the museum. The Mohan Port is an important part of the city and known to be very deep and among biggest ports of the world and it was this port which gave Mohan a strategic importance in the previous years and even today. You can have some great views of the marina in Mohan by a glass bottom boat. The harbour of the villa holiday spain is also very beautiful and has some best views of the region.



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[unable to retrieve full-text content]ianrodwell-limited | Working Wow | Life Coach | Self Improvement | Self Development. Working Wow ? How to get the very best out of your working life. 12 Essential Goal Setting Techniques FREE Ebook + View Gallery ...


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Friday, March 30, 2012

Plex Media Server beta adds DLNA support, streams to PS3, Xbox 360, WP7 and more

Using Plex as your media server software is great, with its ability to organize and transcode media for playback on a variety of devices, but what about platforms that still lack a compatible client? The freshest beta version of Plex Media Server fixes that by supporting DLNA, making it compatible right out of the box with many of the HDTVs, Blu-ray players, game consoles and other connected devices released recently. There are some limitations when it's being used this way in terms of metadata and subtitle support, but we're pretty sure being able to access Plex at all from devices like the PS3 (as shown above), Xbox 360 and WDTV Live (the profiles it's been tested with so far) is worth it. Also featured in the beta is support for Silverlight Smooth Streaming, which comes in handy for the new Windows Phone 7 client app (Update: If you're not seeing it yet don't worry you're not alone, it's been approved by Microsoft and should be live soon, check the forum thread linked below for more information). Check out the blog post for all the details or just head to the download page to try it out yourself if you're on a Windows PC or Mac -- Linux builds are still being tested.

Plex Media Server beta adds DLNA support, streams to PS3, Xbox 360, WP7 and more originally appeared on Engadget on Fri, 30 Mar 2012 05:59:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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A Rosie Future: Jetsons -Like Gadgets with "Ambient Intelligence" Are Key to Smart Homes and Cities

News | Technology

Information collected by AI software from sensors in homes and cities could identify and address health, safety and environmental problems without human intervention

artificial intelligence, robot, sensor, city, networkAMBIENT INTELLIGENCE: Advances in artificial intelligence, sensor networks and robotics will not only draw data from smart phones, traffic signals and various other sources. The technology will also, without being asked, take action based on this information. Image: Courtesy of Kalawin Jongpo, via

Fifty years after The Jetsons promised us a future of robot maids, flying cars, video phones and meals at the push of a button, it seems that reality may actually surpass this futuristic vision. By 2062, the year the animated show was set, advances in artificial intelligence, sensor networks and robotics promise to make the Jetsons's home in Skypad Apartments, and indeed in all of Orbit City, seem quaint by comparison (although flying cars may remain out of reach?especially ones that beat parking problems by folding into a suitcase).

Many of today's homes in the developed world already include a lot of the sensors and networking devices needed to make the smart home a reality, wrote Diane Cook, a professor in Washington State University's School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, in the March 30 issue of the journal Science. The home of the future will harness information from appliances, computers, smart phones and other devices to intuitively meet the needs of its residents. Computer software will play the role of an intelligent agent by perceiving the state of a home's physical environment and residents via sensors, interpreting this information using artificial intelligence, and automatically adjusting heating or cooling, lighting or other resources based on that information.

Cook refers to artificial intelligence and data-mining technologies' ability to seek useful information on resident behavior and the state of the home, and to automatically act on this information, as "ambient intelligence." It will foremost be used to monitor the health of a smart home's inhabitants and to maximize energy efficiency as well as facilitate communication both within the household and with the outside world.

For the past year Cook and her colleagues have been studying the potential of smart-home technology to enable residents at the Horizon House retirement community in Seattle to extend the time they are able to live independently. A year ago the researchers installed dozens of sensors in some residents' apartments to monitor motion, energy use and other conditions. Whereas half of the study participants have mild cognitive problems, the rest are healthy.

The researchers are using data collected to test the activity-recognition algorithms used by their software. "Our clinical psychology collaborators visit the residents every six months to perform a complete cognitive and physical health battery of tests," Cook says. "We are currently designing techniques to identify correlations between behavioral changes and cognitive and physical health changes." She expects to report on initial findings as early as this summer.

Increasingly, smart homes will exist within smart cities that likewise connect citizens via ambient intelligence. Such cities will integrate data from a variety of different sensors placed to record information about factors important to daily life?including air quality, traffic and weather?and then initiate some action if needed. Examples would be adjusting the timing of traffic signals to improve traffic flow or texting alerts to city dwellers warning them to stay indoors due to poor air quality.

Of course for a smart city to work, diverse data sources must be mined in a way that respects the privacy of its citizens. University College Dublin researchers Michael O'Grady and Gregory O'Hare raise the issue of "ambient law" in a related Science article on the emergence of smart cities. "To harness ambient intelligence, users must be prepared to share some knowledge about themselves?and this brings risks," O'Grady says. "Once a technology begins to leave the lab, it is essential that legal, privacy and ethical issues be considered."

Ambient law takes into account that the freedoms protected by a constitutional democracy may be radically altered as ambient intelligence permeates everyday life, O'Grady and O'Hare argue in their article. To avoid the loss of privacy and other freedoms, the legal community must work with computer scientists to establish rules that must be coded into ambient technologies before they become intrusive or damaging to individuals' privacy.

Now, if researchers could only find a way to make George Jetson's nine-hour workweek part of our future, too.


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Dell Gives Up On Selling Smartphones In The U.S. (For Now, Anyway)

dellgraveI?d wager that only a few of you will remember that Dell sold their own smartphones, and even fewer of you still have ever actually owned one. It should come as no surprise then that Dell, who entered the smartphone market less than two years ago, has announced that they have ceased sales of their last remaining smartphone lines: the Android-powered Venue and the Venue Pro Windows Phone. With those product lines getting the axe, Dell has (for now) put an end to their struggling smartphone business here in the States.


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Millennial Media shares double in market debut

(AP) ? Shares of Millennial Media doubled in the mobile advertising company's market debut Thursday, as the IPO market heats up this spring.

Millennial's quick ascent follows pasta maker Annie Inc.'s splash Wednesday. Shares jumped 89 percent in Annie's debut ? that had been the biggest opening day since jobs networking site LinkedIn Corp. went public in May 2011, closing up 109 percent in its first day of trading.

Millennial, trading under the "MM" ticker symbol on the New York Stock Exchange, is one of four companies going public Thursday and 10 this week.

Consumers' fast-growing demand for smartphones and tablets and appetite for the apps they download on those devices is powering Millenial's growth. The company said its MYDAS mobile ad platform reached more than 300 million unique users worldwide in February, including about 140 million unique users in the U.S. It determines what ads to deliver through mobile apps, when and to whom. It said its developer base includes The New York Times, games maker Zynga and online radio company Pandora.

The Baltimore company and its stockholders raised $132.6 million in an initial public offering of 10.2 million shares on Wednesday night. Shares priced at $13 each, the high end of the predicted range. Millennial had increased the expected price range to $11 to 13 per share on Tuesday from its initial estimate of a $9 to $11 price per share. That's a sign of strong demand for the stock.

Millenial wants to use money from the IPO for general corporate purposes such as expanding overseas and developing products, or possibly acquisitions.

Millennial lost $5.3 million for the year ended Dec. 31, which is nearly half of its loss of $10.1 million in the previous year. Its full-year revenue more than doubled to $103.7 million from $47.8 million.

In late morning trading on Thursday, Millennial's stock climbed 94 percent, adding $12.20 to $25.20. The other companies lauching IPOs today are San Mateo, Calif.-based CafePress Inc., a website that lets customers make custom T-shirts and other products, which gained 14 percent; Milwaukee manufacturer Rexnord Corp., which added 10 percent; and biopharmaceutical Merrimack Pharmaceuticals Inc., based in Cambridge, Mass., which dropped 10 percent.

Associated Press


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How To Raise Seed Venture Capital | Free - Business in Australia ...

How To Raise Seed Venture Capital

Companies who give an effort to save the on going problems involving global concerns are typically, the nature of these companies.The concept behind the name is that funding at the stating phase is like a seed that is about to develop. Before a venture starts to receive income, the product or service offered would need extensive studies thus needing a minimal amount only. The seed fund is needed until the company starts to make money and be noticeable to capitalists. As they say, high risk investments also possess high returns, one example of which is a seed venture capital.

Savings, Mortgage Loan proceeds or funds from acquaintance and family members are used by the investors to fund the business. Business men that are willing to put in money to the business is also an option for the business owners. They are known as such because they often invest in risky, unproven business ventures for which bank loans and formal venture capital companies are not providing. Banks and SBA credit loans typically require that a business should be in operation for at least two to three years, completed and audited financials, revenues, profits, high cash reserves; high personal net worth of the executives, personal guarantees, etc. Banks are very meticulous in choosing where to invest their money and would give the new company a hard time.

In comparison with other industries, green venture capital from investors are given on a later event rather than in the beginning of the operations to ensure profitability of the company.A typical Angel investor has high net-worth assets and has interest and knowledge in a particular business sector, often the industry he or she gained personal affluence. Some are successful business owners looking to invest in new businesses to expand their investing careers. A report that would state the pros and cons of the business venture financially speaking is supplied to the investors. The product model is shown to the investors at some instances.

Typically, the investors would have a share to the company?s income as well as responsibilities if he would put in money to the business. In order to protect the idea or the product that is being presented to the investors, a contract would be accomplished by the business owners before it is shown to them.

A new start up company that has vision of manufacturing a green product line will usually prepare a Feasibility Study along with the business structure and outline of the company.Unlike Seed Venture Capital which does not necessarily involve a large amount of money. A typical venture capital could get a huge sum of support from investors in contrast to seed venture capital who has not yet gained any reputation from the industry.

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Home Improvement Ideas | Heater Upgrades

There are several home improvement ideas that could be implemented to increase the value of your home while making it more beautiful. Putting these ideas into action will make your home more livable, enhancing the comfort you experience daily. More than this though, making use of home improvement ideas to make your home better is a prudent investment.

When the term ?home improvement? is used, the most common mental image people have Do ? It ? Yourself (DIY) package. While home improvement can be DIY, it goes beyond that to professional installations and repairs. Home improvement projects range from a simple paint job to complete remodeling.
There are a number of home improvement projects which over time have become the most commonly undertaken, they are: Kitchen remodeling; Bathroom remodeling and additions; heating system installation; and window replacement among others.

From these, there are countless ideas which you could implement to make your home more comfortable and beautiful.

The kitchen is a nice place to start when considering a home improvement project. Getting your kitchen to have that new and shiny look is a good start. The biggest challenge here would be the kitchen cabinets. To get around this, you could either remodel with new cabinets or reface the ones you already have; this will depend on your budget as remodeling your kitchen cabinets will cost twice as much as refacing the existing cabinets.

Another home improvement idea when working with your kitchen would be to change the kitchen flooring. The kitchen floor can make a world of difference to the overall look of the kitchen. Kitchen flooring comes in different selections these days.

You have a choice of hardwood floors, ceramic and stone tiles. You could also decide to use laminate flooring, which is a pretty new but increasingly popular option.

The bathroom is another prime area of a house when it comes to home improvement. If and when you decide to put your home on the market, the bathroom is one place that could easily put off a potential buyer. So directing some attention that way can only be an advantage, especially as you get to enjoy a more comfortable surrounding as a result.

When it comes to the bathroom, there are several home improvement ideas that could be applied. Here, a change of tiles could just be what your bathroom needs for a more modern look. Adding wainscoting or changing the one that is already there could give the bathroom a more finished look. You might want to change the bathtub or add another one; there are just so many things one could do to give added beauty to a bathroom and make it more upscale.

Changing your windows to sliding windows, picture windows, bay windows or any of the many window styles available can also make a difference to the look of your house.


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Airline crew member mental health in spotlight after captain's breakdown

Clayton Osbon, who had been flying for nearly 25 years, allegedly began yelling at air traffic controllers and later ran toward the cockpit door after getting locked out. He has been charged with interfering with a flight crew. NBC's Tom Costello reports.

By Rebecca Ruiz, Senior editor,

Two recent incidents in which airline crew members behaved alarmingly and had to be restrained by passengers have raised questions about when and how aviation workers are screened for mental health problems.

On Tuesday, JetBlue captain Clayton Osbon, 49, was locked out of the cockpit by his co-pilot after he began acting erratically on Flight 191 from New York to Las Vegas. The captain, since charged with interfering with a flight crew and now getting medical care, was upset when he couldn't get back into the cockpit and began yelling about an unspecified threat linked to Iran, Iraq and Afghanistan.

Osbon "became increasingly agitated," and several passengers grabbed the pilot, "tackled him to the ground" and sat on him, passenger Tony Antolino told TODAY's Ann Curry.

It is not yet clear if anxiety or mental health issues led to Osbon's behavior. JetBlue said in a blog post that it will not share further details about the captain's "private life."

Osbon's last medical exam was four months ago, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) told "He has a clean record, no incidents or accidents and the FAA has not taken any type of enforcement action against him," the agency said in a statement.

JetBlue CEO Dave Barger called the pilot, who was suspended on Wednesday, a "consummate professional."

JetBlue CEO Dave Barger speaks out after a JetBlue flight made an emergency landing due to a pilot's mid-air meltdown.

Earlier this month, an American Airlines flight attendant was removed from a flight after becoming combative and talking about the airline's bankruptcy and 9/11 on the plane's public-address system. Officers were also told that the 43-year-old woman was bipolar and was not taking her medication at the time, according to a police report on the incident.

John Cox, an aviation safety consultant and former airline pilot, told the Associated Press that incidents in which pilots become mentally incapacitated during a flight are "pretty rare." He said he could only recall two or three other examples in the more than 40 years he has been following commercial aviation.

While uncommon, these incidents have shown how crew member mental health is an important aspect of flight security and can be exacerbated by the high-stress environment of commercial flying.

The FAA requires that airline pilots have a medical certificate, which must be renewed annually if the pilot is under 40 and every six months if the pilot is older than 40. To receive the certificate, pilots undergo a physical examination by an FAA-designated physician. A psychological assessment is not part of the evaluation, but the physician can order testing if deemed necessary. The pilots are responsible for disclosing all existing physical and psychological conditions and may have their certificate revoked if they withhold that information.?

The FAA grounds pilots who disclose that they are being treated for depression or request treatment. The pilot has to be "stable" for 12 months before returning to the cockpit.

A pilot undergoing treatment for depression is required to provide a report from a psychiatrist which details the diagnosis, course of treatment and possible side effects from medication. The pilot also has to submit to psychological testing and prepare a written statement describing his or her use of antidepressants.

The FAA can make an exception for pilots who take one of four antidepressants approved by the agency as safe to use for treating mild-to-moderate depression. In these instances, medical certificates are given on a case-by-case basis.?

Tony Antolino and Laurie Dhue, passengers aboard the JetBlue flight that made an emergency landing after the pilot had a mid-air meltdown, talk to TODAY's Ann Curry about the bizarre incident.

Of the 120,000 U.S. commercial airline pilots, 27 have taken advantage of the anti-depressant policy and have been permitted to fly while using the approved medications, according to the FAA. Anxiety disorders and medications are evaluated on an individual basis.

The FAA, which has said that depression "can lead to distraction and make it difficult for a pilot to focus," implemented the anti-depressant policy in 2010.?

?I?m encouraging pilots who are suffering from depression or using antidepressants to report their medical condition to the FAA,? said FAA Administrator Randy Babbitt in a statement at the time. ?We need to change the culture and remove the stigma associated with depression. Pilots should be able to get the medical treatment they need so they can safely perform their duties.?

The Air Line Pilots Association and the US Airline Pilots Association, both pilots' unions, have yet to respond to's requests for comment.

Dr. David Ballard, an expert on mental health policies in the workplace at the American Psychological Association, says the FAA's policy is fairly unusual because it must balance airplane and passenger security and the rights of the individual employee. Still, Ballard says, requiring employees to disclose mental health disorders can lead to a chilling effect and prevent them from seeking treatment in the first place.?

When addressed, a mental health disorder can be very treatable. "You obviously don?t want someone who is going to be unable to perform their job duties safely and effectively," Ballard said, "but just because someone has a mental health disorder, that doesn't mean they won?t be able to do their job well."

Unlike pilots, flight attendants do not undergo a medical examination, and airlines are not permitted to ask about mental health conditions. Flight attendants are certified by the FAA after completing a rigorous training program that emphasizes first-responder skills in emergency situations. Should a flight attendant seek treatment for a mental health condition, his or her FAA certification will not be endangered.

Corey Caldwell, a spokesperson for the Association of Flight Attendants, a union with nearly 60,000 members, says that training and a probationary period provide many opportunities to identify crew members who might have debilitating mental health conditions that could be triggered by tense situations.?

"I think it?s important to remember that the American Airlines flight attendant was a 23-year-veteran," said Caldwell. "Over two decades she'd been performing that [first responder] role. These two high-profile examples ... are not necessarily systemic of the population at large, but they do highlight extremely stressful situations [crew members] undergo on a daily basis."

Caldwell says that union members have increasingly reported in the past years that the stress of their profession is "escalating." Between the post-9/11 focus on security threats, the strain of airline bankruptcies and labor negotiations, and the fatigue that results from tighter schedules, the job now takes a greater emotional toll than it once did.

AFA offers members access to an employee assistance program, which provides mental health resources on request. Members can also report concerns they may have over the behavior or well-being of fellow attendants and, if needed, the AFA will get that individual help without involving airline management.

JetBlue and American Airlines crew members do not belong to the AFA, though JetBlue said on Wednesday that it does offer an employee assistance program, and that, "crew members are also able, and expected, to call a safety time-out should they need it, and the company will support them 100 percent."

"I don?t think these instances will stigmatize the profession," said Caldwell. "They?ll help shed light on the seriousness and stressfulness of this job on a daily basis."

The Associated Press and NBC 5 contributed to this report.

Related stories:

Rebecca Ruiz is a senior editor at and a Rosalynn Carter Mental Health Journalism Fellow.


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Thursday, March 29, 2012

Motivating like Mother Teresa ? Business Management Daily: Free ...

In 1946, a Romanian nun on a train climbing the Himalayan foothills de??cided to leave her convent and help the poor, while living among them. She was inspired and felt the need to act.

That inspiration allowed her to overcome many obstacles over the years, attracting scores of others along the way.

Leadership is about inspiring ?others to see the possibilities, sometimes move into the uncertain, and embrace change. Is it possible to inspire and motivate the way Mother Teresa did? What can we learn from her?

??Be inspired before trying to in?spire others. Sister Teresa didn?t ask someone else to go live among the poor before she did. She inspired others through her own personal commitment. Sacrifice was necessary, and she had minimal training. Yet her passion was visible, and others were drawn to her mission.

? Articulate how others can join you. Mother Teresa encouraged friends, such as Princess Diana, to provide support. And she motivated foes, like Fidel Castro, to get out of her way. By being direct, she let others know how to help her reach her goals.

? Define the problem you?re solving. Mother Teresa wanted to ease the suffering of the poor and dying. Some accused her of ignoring root causes of poverty. But she knew her mission. She bore the criticism and soldiered on.

? Empower others to follow?and act. By the time she died, Mother ?Teresa was leading thousands of people in 500 schools, shelters and ?missions in 100 countries. While inspiring others to follow her,? she also empowered them to act. Ten years after her death, her orders were in 600 facilities in 120 nations.

As a leader, find what inspires you and embrace it.

? Adapted from If You Will Lead, Doug Moran.

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Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Important Information Regarding Personal Injury - Home Brewing Wiki

From Home Brewing Wiki

Generally, personal injuries typically affect the body and emotional behavior. The law suits that are submitted with respect to these sorts of personal injuries are usually forwarded to a 3rd party who actually played carelessness therefore causing one to become hurt. The law suits filed within legal courts will try to bring the individual into the status they were in prior to the personal injury happened.

These days there are various types of personal injury solicitors that could possibly transpire with the most prevalent really being the road automobile accident a result of cars. Some other reasons that are frequent involve incidents at work places, assaults, stumbling both at home or public areas. Additionally, it can involve personal injuries within the dental care formula. As soon as one has suffered within the earlier mentioned circumstances and it can indeed be proved that someone else was liable to a certain degree simply by not playing their part in order to avoid the injuries, then complaints can be made for someone to be paid.

In order for anyone to have a productive case on the defendant, it should be proved the people had been impacted either physically and or emotionally as a consequence of somebody being negligent. This could be upon a companies property or when on another persons property or home. In some instances the products or services that had been paid for could be responsible for the personal injuries therefore requiring one to make a complaint and get paid.

Because of the several categories of personal injury, one can hire a solicitor who has vast experience with any one single discipline. For instance there are those that happen to be specialists in healthcare fields while others will focus on car accident injuries. Thus prior to one seeking for any legal representations, try and get the best lawyer to submit a law suit for you. The benefit of employing a seasoned attorney for any field is they are going to have all of the interests of the clients covered.

Another benefit of taking an experienced attorney at law to file personal injury cases is they will have to accumulate all the available facts within a quicker time, take care of the businesses that furnished the insurance and additionally try to obtain the best pay outs.

However it is certain the earlier you record your compensation with regard to personal injury, the more suitable it will be for you. In many state governments there's a limitation within which a person will have to request to be paid for personal injuries which arose as a result of another person's mistakes. These are referred to as the statute of limits and differ from one particular region to another.

To add price to you personal injury, the physicians as well as lawyers will have to show the actual harm that you experienced has and will always cause pain from the time of injury as well as in the long term. In the event this really is shown then you will be paid very highly. This can be with regard to future healthcare expenses as well as loss of earnings.

When it comes to personal injuries that had been the result of flawed items, one has to prove that the manufacturers did not take the essential care in creating the best products which showed that they were harmful and then ended in personal injuries. If you fail to study the instructions instructing on the methods to make use of the merchandise, then you'll not be successful in any of the personal injury settlements.


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Sexuality, Self-Confidence, and Being a Teenager | Medicinal ...

This post was written by Alice Oates as a part of the Teen Week: Words That Heal series. Want to participate? Check out the details here.

I?ve now reached that very strange point that everyone must reach where next birthday I will not be a teenager anymore.? It has its own terrifying connotations of being all adult and responsible, as well as that tiny little bit of relief that I will soon leave the spectre of teenage pregnancy behind. I also get to escape a group that?s generally stereotyped as a whole lot of things that I?m just not.

Reaching the end of my teens in the relatively new environment of university is giving me great opportunities to look back on the last 7 or so years and pretty much be amazed at how I?ve changed in that time. At age 13 I had no confidence. Not only that but no one had ever really explained ?fake it ?til you make it? to me so my lack of self-confidence seriously showed.? I?d started secondary school with someone I thought was my best friend but who decided I wasn?t interesting within a matter of months. And told me that in almost exactly those words.? To be left friendless in the first year of a new school is absolutely terrifying and I went through a series of unstable friendships and sort-of relationships that did absolutely nothing to give me any sense of self-confidence or even of who I wanted to be.

The thing about not really knowing what you want is that you look to everyone else to tell you what?s right. I was absolutely desperate for friends and family to approve of everything I did, and as a teenager what your family want and what your friends want aren?t always compatible.? Peer pressure is hell for young teens that want to do what their parents approve of but risk name-calling because of it.? I haven?t quite got over it yet, but there?s a little voice in the back of my head that goes ?you don?t have to be like them if you don?t want to? if I?m being irrational about it. But for a long time I was around people who called me stupid/pathetic/silly and all manner of lovely things if I wasn?t doing things the way they thought they should be done.? I went through a really long phase of copying a friend?s handwriting because I thought it made me cool. Now I can look back and say that staying myself and not giving in to peer pressure was a good thing, but at the time it made me feel like a complete loser.

Burned into my mind is the memory of one of my friends telling me he?d overheard the guy I?d just asked out saying he would never go out with someone ?like her?.?? He in no way was being malicious when he told me, but I?ve never quite recovered from the shame and the worrying about what exactly someone like me was.? Sometimes a bit of soul-searching is good. Constant self-analysis to work out what?s wrong with you is definitely not. Part of the problem is that views on what?s ?cool? change ridiculously fast at a young age so it?s hard to keep up.? My sister recently started secondary school and summed it up neatly; ?no one plays anymore they just stand around talking about phones. It?s really boring?.

In the last few years I?ve started to come out of my shell and stop worrying so much about being the person everyone approves of.? There have been a few big triggers to this. First, I met the guy who is now my boyfriend of over four years. He?s been someone who has loved me unconditionally and shown me that I am worth something as me not as a copy of someone else.? He?s given me a platform from which to jump off into the, sometimes scary, world of loving yourself and being confident. Second, I developed depression and anxiety problems.? Understanding this made me really look at the way I responded to other people and how they treated me, so that I could say ?no that?s not acceptable? or ?this isn?t good for me? and get out of there.? Leaving school was so important for me because it took me away from all the toxic ?friendships? that made me feel awful every single day and into a place where I could tackle my own self-confidence, surrounded by people who were just nice, supportive people who wouldn?t make me feel worthless.? I?ve also had a period of questioning my sexuality and that?s taken a bit of a chunk out of my self-confidence because I?ve been forced to re-evaluate how much of me is still just a response to the people around me.

It?s very difficult to explore your sexuality in a straight, monogamous relationship that you have no intention of leaving.? I?ve started to question whether the way I see other women just comes, firstly, from evaluating their attractiveness in relation to me (normal conclusion being I lose, obviously not very healthy!), and secondly from looking at the world from the perspective of all the guys I hang out with.? If I stopped mentally competing with women and stopped sub-consciously trying to fit in, would I give a second thought to how attractive they are?

Probably not.

Some of the biggest changes of teen years are physical.? When your body changes it takes a long time to feel comfortable with it and I didn?t really have a very healthy relationship with my body.? I?ve always had a big appetite but when I stopped growing and became less active as I got older, I started to fill out. I?m not what people describe as ?big? but that?s never been the issue. It doesn?t matter how people see you if you don?t have a positive self-image.? I?m only just starting to understand what it means to love your body, and it doesn?t mean being the skinniest girl around.? I?ve got Mara and Medicinal Marzipan to thank for that! I love writing blog posts like this because the process of writing can help you understand a lot about yourself that you don?t really realize until you try to put it into words. I still have days where I look in the mirror and tell myself I?m fat, I?m a failure and no one likes me.? But I also have days where I don?t think that at all, and that?s definitely progress.

The most important thing for me is that I can look back on my teenage years with compassion and understanding.? If I just block them out or blame myself for things really not my fault, I?m never going to be able to move on to a healthier place.?? From 13 to 19 you change so much that you are never going to get everything right.? I hope that I can really learn from my experiences and one day help my own teenager through those very scary years without getting lost along the way.? I?ve learned that it?s okay to say that you can?t do it alone.? It doesn?t make you any weaker to admit that.? I?m not less of a person because I need my boyfriend so much, I?m just different to people who manage just fine by themselves.?? I like to say that understanding is the key to change, and I don?t think this applies to anything more than it does to being a teenager.

My name is Alice Oates and I?m a 19 year old student at Cambridge University. I?ve been with my boyfriend over four years now, and for most of that have suffered with low body image, depression and anxiety. With his help and other sources like Medicinal Marzipan I?m beginning to understand what makes me the way I am which I believe is the key to changing the parts that make me unhappy. Understanding and accepting yourself is the key to change and that has been my motto for a while now. I?m doing my best to be in tune with my body and work out what I need and I think that it?s going to make a big difference in the end!

Other Teen Week Posts Today:

  1. Body Positive Yoga, Letter to My Teenage Self
  2. Rosie Molinary, It?s Not Too Early or Too Late
  3. Soft Explosions, What I Wish I Had Known As a Teenager
  4. Cynosure, I?m an Introvert, Not an Alien
  5. Sue Ann Gleason, The Untold Stories
  6. Musings of Magick, Lessons From An Overactive Brain
  7. MishMarieG, Pizzazz
  8. Chibi Jeebs, Teen Week 2012: Words That Heal
  9. Those Graces, Body Image, Weight, and the Internet


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